Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Running Counts

Click Run to calculate all selection rules included in your campaign's audience and any selections or data manipulations that have been configured in your Tracks or Triggers, including embedded data engineering nodes.

The Run button is located at the bottom right of the Campaign Manager screen:

Clicking Run processes the current document. It works slightly differently depending on whether you are working in Customer Analytics, or Campaign Manager:

  • In Campaign Manager clicking the Run button will calculate all selection rules included in your campaign's audience and any selections or data manipulations that have been configured in your Tracks or Triggers, including embedded data engineering nodes. Note that It will not start your campaign. This can only be done by clicking the Start button on the Overview tab. Note that when tracks are processed all recipients in the campaign audience will be processed through all tracks. This is a way of testing individual campaign logic and is not an end-to-end simulation of the campaign.
  • In Customer Analytics clicking the Run button will calculate and execute the rules in the active segment document that is the one that is currently displayed on the workspace. Any other documents open on the Document Bar will not be affected. Note that if your document has any embedded Import or Export nodes, these will be activated when you click the Run button and the import or export will be performed.
  • In Customer Analytics the system will automatically calculate results as you build up your segments or dashboards. This may not be desirable if your document is particularly complex or you are working with a large number of records. You can switch off automatic calculation or decrease the frequency by clicking the drop-down on the Run button and amending the Auto Calculation see the Changing System Recalcuation topic for further information.

Running Specific Counts

Some parts of the application have their own Run buttons so that you can run and test counts in isolation without processing the entire document. In campaigns, these buttons can be found on the Campaign Audience tab under the Target Audience and Suppressions nodes, and on the Program Audience tab.

Clicking the button will calculate counts for the configured segments only:

Running Processes

To see what processes are still running, click the drop-down arrow next to the Run Processes button in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

File Transfers

To display any file transfers:

  1. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Run Processes button in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
  2. Click the File Transfers tab.
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